Sunday, April 24, 2011


I say, "I'd like to see
The poems Li Po
Distributed in the Yellow River"
And Whalen says "Alright
We'll go down and dive
And See."

by JACK KEROUAC, from 'Haiku Berkeley'
in POMES ALL SIZES (City Lights, 1992)

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Monday, April 18, 2011

That One Day All Money Will Be Made From Mint


142 The rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like raining! The rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like raining! It’s falling down! It’s coming down! It’s falling down! It’s falling! It’s coming! It’s falling! It’s coming! It’s coming down! It’s falling down! It’s coming down! It’s falling down! It’s coming down! It’s falling down! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain like rain like raining! O the rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like raining! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain!O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain like rain like rain like raining! O the rain like rain like raining! The rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like raining! O the rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like raining! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain ! O the rain! O the rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like raining! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain like rain like rain! O the rain like rain like rain. O the rain! O the rain! O the rain! O the rain like rain like rain like rain like rain like rain that rains on us. That falls on us! That comes down on us! That rains on us! That falls! That falls! That falls! That comes! That comes! That comes! That comes down on us! That falls on us! That falls! That falls on you! That falls on me! That falls on us! The rain that falls on us! That falls! On us! On you! On me! On you! On me! On you! On me! On you! On me! On you! On me! On all of us! On all of us! On all of us! On all of us! On all of us! On you! On me! On all! On! On! On! On! On! On! On! On! On! On! ~~~~~~

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

On rainy evenings I allow myself to feel the influence of Robert Creeley's book FOR LOVE



You were going fast.
It was beautiful,
how fast you were going.
You were beautiful
like a perfect incision.

It’s crazy.
No one knows anything
but the fish go in the river anyway.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Garden Variety Materialism

Two wooden horses.
Think of that.
Two of them.
Made out of wood.
Who would do this, to wood?
That particular type of wood.
From a tree.
Said tree doubtless felt pain.
Which ended thus
In the forms of these two.
One horse and then another.
The two of them together.
Two wooden horses.
And their likeness,
Especially their likeness.
Outstanding, this likeness.
To each other, of course to each other  
But also to horses, a horse, the
Perfect horse.
A horse of meat and bone,
Neighing, shitting.
That one.
Different from these.
The two.
The two of them.
Think of that.
Two wooden horses that maybe do nothing or
Maybe do no more than stare at you.
A miracle stare.
Because they are wooden horses.
Because they are neither quick nor dead. 
Because they refuse the apple-bits in your hands.
Two wooden horses.
On my desk.
Did I tell you that already?
That they are here, before me,
Right on my desk.
Like two scullers.
Gliding in weird mist
On the River Arno.
In Florence,
Where the Uffizi is.

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